Sitting by yourself, laughing at the confusion, smiling through the tears. Seem to have found yourself in a place where you can’t fit in. Moving with the flow happens to be difficult. Looking at yourself, feeling like something is out of place and you’re trying to fix what you’re not sure is the problem—the whole world is making you believe that you’re “DIFFERENT”.
Being different is not all that bad; it depends on where the energy is channelled to. If the energy is channelled in the right direction, then feeling different may just feel good, but this rarely happens. Mostly, the energy is usually channelled at the wrong path, which may gradually break you down. That’s why believing that you’re “UNIQUE”, rather than different goes a long way to give you the right amount of understanding and optimism to face life’s battles.
Different means: “being unlike or not the same”. Being unique means, “you are the only of your sort”. That is, there is no one like you—before and after you, there is not and can’t be another you. Let me break it to you: “YOU ARE THE LAST OF YOUR KIND”.
Accepting to be different changes a lot in you, because when you feel you’re different, instead of trying to get the best out of yourself; your energy would be channelled at trying to change who you are. You try to fit in where you are not supposed to. You try to move with the flow of limiting factors. You try to put in place something already in its right position. You are trying to belong. You are trying to change who you are. You are unique and it’s boldly written on your DNA—you can’t be changed. Pulling all the stunts goes a long way in shaking the foundation of your life, ‘cause you will end up chasing the wind.
There is no greater joy than being fulfilled. This can be done by doing what makes you happy. Most people do not even know what makes them happy, because they are caught between the webs of their fears and that of people’s expectations that they can’t distinguish between them being happy and pretending to be.
There is something inside of you that can’t be found in anyone else and that is what make you unique. Many people understand this concept and that’s why when you try to do something: you do it the normal way, and it never works for you. This is because you are not just a normal person—you have to find your own way through life troubles. You have to connect; you have to know what’s inside you.
Steps in Finding out Who You Are
- What type of conversation draws your interest the most?
- Who is the mirror image of you?
- What actually makes you happy?
- Do you enjoy doing, but can still earn money from?
Putting your life towards this direction ensures fulfilment and happiness—you just discovered your passion!
Your passion may not be easy to implement, because of certain factors like your fears or people’s expectations. I must say to you: “you should not let PEOPLE and FEAR run your life”. If you let them run your life, then you are simply giving your life away—“YOUR LIFE!” and then this removes the joy out of living, ‘cause you are walking in someone else’s tracks, not yours and may end up living in regret for the rest of your life. No one wants to be a victim of this.
Life is a language that can only be understood by living it. In life, you have different moments—some are beautiful, some sad and others may just be awkward, but they are all yours to be cherished, and if you can live pass your fears and people’s expectations, then the reward is your life.
People with greater destinies fight the most battles—the world doesn’t fight an empty person. So the next time you’re drowning in a sea of troubles and doubt starts creeping in, always remember that we are often troubled, but not crushed. Some times in doubt, but never in despair. There are many enemies, but you are never left without a friend and always bear in mind that you are. Believe and say to yourself: “I AM THE LAST OF MY KIND”.
So next time you sit by yourself, keep on laughing at the confusion and smiling through the tears, because someday, everything would make perfect sense.
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